F I N E  A R T


CAFA Show at Mystic Museum of Art


2018 Regional Show

Mystic Museum of Art

Prince Street Gallery Show,  2017

Chelsea, NYC

My beloved grandsons

2020 Members Show

Mystic Museum of Art

Artist's Statement

My canvases focus on colors, shapes, textures and moods---evolving as semi-abstracted figures, still lifes or non-representational art.   I am in continual dialogue with each piece, hanging the art on a wall to view and study and muse over for weeks, before returning to the easel, recreating.  Thoughtful brush strokes dominate my creation; spontaneous, intuitive strokes imbue its spirit.  Often, I begin a canvas by painting in shapes, objects, and lines---mindful of color and rhythm and composition.   Wallace Stevens wrote, "A work of art is never finished; it's abandoned."   I have many canvases that are revised or repainted completely---the original, abandoned. 

"Montauk II" is one, beginning as a vertical, 40x30, in lavenders, greens, whites and oranges.  It hung on the wall for a year followed by another year stacked with other canvases in my studio, before I started repainting in cobalt mixed with permanent rose and white as well as cerulean mixed with aureoline and white---some of my favorite colors.   Textured lines in the canvas are a result of scraping wet over dry and wet over wet.   Underpainted oranges peeked through.   The vertical transformed to a 30x40 horizontal.  

My intention as an artist is to create aesthetically pleasing and meaningful work through contemplation and experimentation.


Upon retiring from teaching, Lynn studied at Lyme Academy of Fine Arts in Old Lyme, Connecticut.
Also, she studied with local artists in Mystic and Guilford, Connecticut.
Her art has been accepted at numerous juried shows in Connecticut:  Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), The Slater Memorial Museum, The Guilford Arts Center, Lyme Academy of Fine Arts, Mystic Museum of Arts, New Haven Paint and Clay, Essex Art Association, Lyme Art Association, Six Summit Gallery and Zahn Gallery.   Her work has been honored at the Mystic Museum of Art, Essex Art

Association, Six Summit Gallery, Guilford Arts Center and the Zahn Gallery.

July 2021, Lynn was accepted to the New England Collective XI Exhibition at Galatea Fine Art, Boston, Massachusetts.

At the Mystic Museum of Art 2020 Elected Artists and Members Exhbit, she received the Elected Artist Overall Excellence Award for her oil, "Black Raspberry and Greens."

In June, 2018, under the title, "Pentimento 7", Lynn and six artists exhibited at Avondale Gallery, Westerly, Rhode Island.

2018 Lynn was selected as a finalist in the Greenwich-Westchester international Art Fair Competition.

In July, 2017 Lynn showed at the Prince Street Gallery 9th National Exhibition in New York City.  

2016 she had a solo exhibit at Alexey von Schlippe Gallery at the University of Connecticut, Avery Point Campus, Groton, Connecticut.

The Finer Line Gallery, Mystic, Connecticut represents her work.

Lynn holds a Masters of Arts in Liberal Studies from Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut and a Bachelor of Arts in English from Eastern Connecticut State University.   For most of her teaching career, she taught English at Robert E. Fitch High School, Groton, Connecticut integrating art and writing.

She lives with her husband in Noank, Connecticut.